Dark Fantasy

Explore our most recent releases from the /Grievechronic\ collection of dark fantasy novels and our Firestarter Dark Fantasy Anthology series to immerse yourself in wild worlds of magic and mystery.

Lifestyle Books

Discover travelogues, life planners, agendas, style guides and more that will inspire and enrich your daily routines.

World Building

Dive into the art of building the Grievechronic world out with our selection of active-art books.

Immerse yourself in a world of dark fantasy and lifestyle books with heavy world building aspects.

KokoPelliMa Press.


black and white bed linen
  • KPM Press is an imprint/production House helmed by Angel Brynner, multimedia artist & author of the Grievechronic series and the Firestarter anthologies(available worldwide), but KokopellimaPress.com is the artist's AOLAB direct-distribution channel and a creative consultancy hub for worldbuilders and artheads at that stage in the journey where conventional paths make no sense for them.

If you are looking for an old-school publishing house to do all the work for you and let you sit in an ivory tower to wait for the checks to roll in, you're in the wrong place here. Do you want to trade the rights to your work for inclusion under the umbrella of the corporate entity listed as technically OWNING your Intellectual Property just so you can feel like you belong to something bigger than what compels you to create? You're in the wrong place here. We have no interest in Kokopellima Press being listed as the owner of any ISBN attached to your intellectual property. We are not about that 20th century publishing industry grifting game. Period.

& we only fuck with fellow, fledgling and future worldbuilders who comprehend why and appreciate it.

Kokopellima Press wants no part of owning any aspect of you... or your creative world.

We don't want your book.

We want you to want your book and to want to do the real work of getting it to those who need to know it exists.

  • Are you hell-bent on owning & developing your own Intellectual Property come hell or high water? Are you doing your best to effectively navigate honoring (and wielding) your god-given creative equity concepts for the greater good? Do you want your great-grandkids to benefit from the work you're busting your ass to do without losing your soul?

We might be a good fit for you.

We only fuck with other creatives willing to do the very real work it takes to effectively helm transmedia realms of their own design.

There are no "manuscript submission guidelines" to KokoPellima Press.

The only submission channels KokoPelliMa Press occasionally opens are to a creative consultancy hub for other outlier worldbuilders to see if the arsenal we rock with can help you figure out next steps in your indy transmedia publishing journey.

KPM Press will be accepting submissions soon for new recruits interested in joining our rondo crew of Outlier Writerhead, Lone-wolfing Ronin.

(...and if none of those nicknames made sense, you're probably in the wrong place too. & that's okay. Just FIND your tribe & rock with'em. It's all Love.)

When the time is right, you will press the (Open SEsaMe) button below and it will lead you to a quick, bluntly beautiful questionnaire to see if what Kokopellima Press is about syncs with what you really aim to do, and where you are in it as of now. If initial synchronicity abounds you will then be able to easily schedule a zoom call on available days to see if there is true synergy.

Before that time~ said button will lead to where you can sign up for updates from us, including about the consultancy crew.

...That's it.


KokoPelliMa Press.

A publishing imprint focused on helping to outfit your inner kid with the wild weaponry it needs to win the wars it wakes up in, via...

  • Dark Fantasy novels & anthologies...

  • Globalboho Guerrilla-mode (fix your) Life (&fig your) Style books...

  • (FFSGTFO* into the real world) Travelogues...

  • &

  • (self-help, therapy & imagination/brain builder)

  • AOLAB Active-ART monographs and inspiration card decks

to help you get you through whatever the 21st century throws at you.

In the meantime...

as Prince said into perpetuity:

"Own your Masters. Otherwise your Masters will own you."

  • ...Oh.

    *FFSGTFO means For Fuck's Sake Get the Fuck Out ( into the real world [before they ruin it])!= the unofficial Globalboho mantra

photo of person's hands